Monday, October 4, 2010

The New Trend in the Church

It seems like a growing trend in the church is learning from the blogs of leaders and pastors. If you are someone who is starting to get into that trend, I would highly recommend subscribing to Perry Noble's blog ( He is the senior pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the southeast, NewSpring Church. It seems like every time I read his blog, I come away with either the feeling of "wow, they're having a revival every weekend!" or "wow, that's some good truths/principles that I need to apply to my life!"

If you want to get a glimpse of what kind of pastor he is, or what kind of church New Spring is, check out these two videos.

Every year, for Mother's Day, they pick out one of the single mothers from the congregation and do something special for her. I won't ruin the surprise for when you watch the video, but its safe to say that what they did in 2008 brought me to tears. Thank goodness I was watching this in the library when there wasn't too many people around!

So watch the video, subscribe to the blog and hold on to your seats! Its some good stuff...

PS. His latest blog has video of what they did for another mother, also in 2008 (perhaps they do it for a single mother at each of their satellite churches?). Its really cool too!

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