Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer 2010

This past semester has been really challenging as the classes i have gotten harder. I took both Systematic Theology 1 and 2, Old Testament theology, Hermeneutics and Greek 2. Praise God that despite taking more classes and despite them being harder, that I actually did better grade-wise!

Now that the busy semester is done, I can focus on my busy summer! This summer I'll be working part-time at Ambassadors for Christ, where I will be organizing the youth program for a family conference among other things, and I will be interning at Calvary Church. While at Calvary, I will have the opportunity to teach, lead bible studies and go on missions trips to learn how to lead them! And then, on top of all of that, I am trying to review my Greek and start reading for the fall!
This summer will definitely be a test of my organization and ability to focus on many areas!

Hopefully, I'll do a better job of keeping you up to date on this blog than I've done in the past!

I forgot to mention a huge PRAISE! This past year, I had a relative pledge to support me $500 each semester that I was in seminary. They came to visit recently and passed a folded check to me. After they left, I looked at it and it was a check for $1000...for my fall semester!!! How crazy is that? And How amazing is God? Praise God for his goodness...tho, a good follow-up question would be, "If I get close to the deadline for my tuiton and I am still short financially, will I still praise God?" That might be the question we all need to ask ourselves..."will I praise God in the bad times, just like I do in the good times?"

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