(...) train yourself for godliness; 8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
1 Timothy 4:8
I've been reflecting on this passage sporadically the last few weeks and every time it comes to ind, I am convicted by the Holy Spirit. How often do we train ourselves for something that only has value in this current life, only to neglect training in something that will have value both now and after death: godliness.
For me personally, I'm convicted because I think about how religiously I go to the gym during the week. And if an engagement or work comes up during my usual MWF workout times, I just shift my schedule around so that I can go to the gym at some other times during that day. Then I look at my devotional habits and I am appalled to see that I do not spend regular time in the Word nor do I "fight" for that time like I would with my workouts. Working out is not a bad thing, but its value is only for this life. Is it not better to train for that which is valuable both now and in the future?
What about you? What do you find yourself training for at the expense of training in godliness? You might be working hard to be a great computer programmer, or you might be training yourself, by going to conferences, to be a better leader, or you might be looking to improve as a parent by reading all the parenting books that you can.
While these are not bad, Paul commands us to train ourselves in godliness. Godliness has value in everything and in every way. Let us strive for godliness, let us train for godliness and let us not neglect it for other pursuits.
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